Gas Log Buying Guide
, by Jordan Phillips, 3 min reading time
, by Jordan Phillips, 3 min reading time
Gas Log Buying Guide
5 step process to ordering your gas log system.
Identify Fireplace Type
Determine if gas logs will work in your fireplace.
Learn How
Will Gas Logs Work In My Fireplace?
There are several types of fireplaces, but Real Fyre Gas Log Systems will only work in three of them.
Those three are Masonry Fireplaces, Zero Clearance Fireplaces & See-Thru Zero Clearance Fireplaces.
If you need help you can always contact us
Masonry Fireplaces
Masonry fireplaces are brick and mortar wood burning fireplaces that have a chimney / chase.
Masonry fireplaces that have a gas line inside will be able to connect to a Real Fyre Gas Log System.
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Zero Clearance Fireplaces
Zero Clearance Fireplaces are wood burning pre-fabricated metal boxes with cement brick refractory panels that have a chimney / flue. These fireplaces are easily recognizable by their brass bi-fold doors & mesh screen curtains.
Zero Clearance fireplaces that have a gas line inside will be able to connect to a Real Fyre Gas Log System.
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See-Thru Zero Clearance Fireplaces
See-Thru Zero Clearance Fireplaces are wood burning pre-fabricated metal boxes with cement brick refractory panels that have a chimney / flue and are open on both sides (Front & Back). These fireplaces are easily recognizable by their brass bi-fold doors & mesh screen curtains.
See-Thru Zero Clearance fireplaces that have a gas line inside will be able to connect to a "See-Thru" Real Fyre Gas Log System.
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Real Fyre Gas Logs Won't Work With The Following Fireplaces
Real Fyre Gas Log Systems won't work inside Direct-Vent Gas Fireplaces.
Direct-Vent Gas Fireplaces
Direct-Vent Gas Fireplaces are pre-fab gas only fireplaces that have a chimney and logs designed specifically for each unit.
Direct-Vent Gas Fireplaces won't work with a Real Fyre Gas Log System.
Why Not?
Now Let's Take Some Measurements
Next step is measureing your fireplace.
Measure Fireplace
Determine which size gas logs will fit inside your fireplace.
Learn How
How to Measure your Fireplace for Gas Logs
Now that you've identified that you have a wood burning fireplace with a gas line, Let's take some measurements to see what size Gas Log System you will need.
If you need help you can always contact us
Measure Your Fireplace
Download & Fill out the Measuring Guide.
Email Us
Email or Visit our showroom with photos of your fireplace along with your filled out Measuring Guide for Gas Log size verification.
Email Us
Now The Fun Part!
Now that you know what size your fireplace is, It's time to choose your Gas Logs. Woohoo!!
Choose Gas Logs
Now that you've determined which size gas logs will fit inside your fireplace, it's time to choose your log set.
Shop Gas Logs
Step 4
Choose Burner System
Now that you've selected your gas log size & style, it's time to determine which burner system is right for you.
Shop Burner Systems
Step 5
Now that you've selected your gas log system, it's time to learn how to install them.
Learn How
How About Some Accessories
Real Fyre Lava Granules to Flex Gas Lines, we got you covered.
10 Lbs. Lava Rock
Consider purchasing 10 lbs. Lava Granules to fill the front & sides of your fireplace.
36" Flex Gas Line
Is your gas one the left? You will need a 36" Flex line to connect to your G46 Burner System.
Now It's Time To Install
Let the lessons commence.